The Konmari™️ Organising Method

By Marie Kondo

Yes. That Marie Kondo. The Netflix phenomenon with the plan to “organise the world”. Your professional organiser at Joy Philosophy (that’s me again) is certified in this unique and highly effective methodology, based on the Japanese living philosophy, inspired by balance, respect and a forward-looking mentality.

Read on for some Golden Rules of this method and what to expect when you organise with me.

  • Declutter First.

    In this very unique method, we will not actually select what to discard, but what to keep - using the “Joy Checking” technique - which incentivises us to re-evaluate our relationship with our possessions. Keep items that you love and discard items that don’t serve you anymore, with gratitude.

    Any storage is temporary until you have finished decluttering, allowing for a much clearer notion of the available storage space.

  • By Category, not by Room.

    While most organising methods will focus on progress by room, we will focus on progress by category. This ensures no item is left behind and that we have time to ease into the decluttering process.

    What are the categories?


  • Commit.

    To the process and your ideal lifestyle. Together we will set realistic expectations and manage your time and effort towards a home that is a true reflection of…you.

“Keep things because you love them—not “just because“ .

Marie Kondo

can’t wait to start? Let’s chat.

Book your free Discovery Call.

My dog? Not impressed.

Joy Philosophy


why do i need a professional organiser?

While I suspect that if you didn’t know you wouldn’t be here…here are some possible answers: you are one of the 88% of people in Australia with at least 1 cluttered room, you are downsizing, resizing (or just moving), selling and need to stage your home, you feel that your home doesn’t reflect who you truly are or you simply can’t feel at peace at home.

It’s OK, that’s why I am here.

What is the KonMAri™ method?

The KonMari method is a unique and highly effective methodology, based on the Japanese living philosophy. You can find more about the method HERE.

DO I need to be at home for the sessions?

The simple answer is: Yes.

With the KM™ method, I will teach you valuable organisation skills (and other tips) to make sure change is durable. Having said that, after the decluttering and assessment phases, I can take on the last stage (storage and placement of belongings) and surprise you with the final result.

i don’t live in adelaide. can i book your services?

Absolutely! I can’t wait to meet you.

I provide services in Australia and overseas. Travelling is available (additional fees apply) and so are our Virtual Sessions (check it out HERE). I offer sessions in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

How Long are the sessions?

For most In-Home services (except KONMARI™️ My Garage) sessions duration is 3 to 4 hours. This is an optimal duration for a session and allows us to find a natural endpoint for the session.

i need to cancel. what do i DO?

Not to worry. If you cancel more than 48 hours before the session, your deposit will be refunded in full. Otherwise, we suggest re-scheduling your session - you can re-schedule any session within 6 months of the original booking.

For more info, read our full Terms & Conditions of Service.

I am downsizing. Which service should I book?

Every client has their own set of specific circumstances. The best way to find out is to book a Discovery Call. It’s free. During the call we will assess your space and belongings, as well as how you idealise your home (and your life) to be - so we can answer that question more accurately.

I am… moving/having a baby/need a room back/hosting/in need of a functional kitchen or pantry?

You got it! Let’s book a Discovery Call and start this journey.


Yes, If they agree to it. Note: from the moment of acceptance they become the client and it’s their responsibility to complete the process in line with the requested service.

Let’s book a Discovery Call and assess your situation.

Have a question that is not here? Easy, book a discovery call (it’s free!) or email