KonMari Consultant Carla is talking to a young mother and business owner.

Carla Violante
Professional Home Organiser & KonMari™️ Certified Consultant

welcome to joy philosophy, the place where you learn how to…simplify.

My name is Carla and Joy Philosophy is the product of many years of wardrobe purging, inner cabinets symmetry and colour coordinating of just about anything (with a sprinkle of, sometimes, sincerely annoying friends and family).

Honestly, it pays-off. An organised home is a place to find solace in this fast-paced world of ours. A place where our brains can disconnect and you can just…be.

I am a certified consultant in the KonMari™️ method. That is not what makes me an organiser. You see, organising is woven into the fabric of who I am. It isn’t just a skill, it's a way of life. That’s Joy Philosophy.

My role is to organise with your ideal lifestyle in mind and keep only what serves a purpose. This concept is transferable to any aspect of your life. Clear your pantry or clear your schedule, as long as it is to make space for things that matter most.

Want to know more? Go ahead, click below.

My Approach

Listen, assess, plan.

First step is a Discovery Call. During this 30 minute video call we will discuss your needs, pain points and goals. A video walk-through is ideal, but you can also send me pictures of the areas you wish to work on. From the information provided, I will advise on the number of sessions needed to complete the job at hand - and plan your sessions accordingly.

I am not about pushing sales on clients here, so you will book your sessions yourself, when you’re ready, through the online booking system.

It is simple to get organised with Joy Philosophy. Here’s what you need to know.

LET’S do it, together.

My organising sessions can be online or, depending on your location, in-person. These have different durations and scope (more on this on our Services and FAQ’s pages).

Independently of the service you select, I will be with you at every step of the way, guiding your organising journey, not only providing insight, tips and advice, but also hanging, folding, stacking, tweaking, labelling…and so on. Whatever is needed to achieve your goals.

You dont need to be a minimalist.

Let’s set the record straight. Organising is not about discarding, it is about being surrounded only by the things that serve a purpose in your life, even if that purpose is “just” to make you happy. It is not about scarceness, it is about being connected with the space you inhabit. So if you are not a minimalist, welcome. You’re at the right place.

Let’s make life work for you.