one step closer to

finding peace at home

WORK WITH A certified

KonMARI™️ organiser

Joy Philosophy provides in-home organisation services that include decluttering, assessment and re-imagining of your available space, tidying and organising tailored to your aesthetic. I help clients downsize, resize, move or simply…find peace at home.

1:1 IN-Home Sessions

In-person sessions where we work together towards your vision of a home that reflects your ideal lifestyle. Packages of 3 or 6 sessions are available according to the size of your home, level of complexity of your goals or the amount of support required. This is a flexible way to create organising habits and see results from the first session, adjusted to your availability and needs.

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Short, to-the-point 90+90 minute sessions to kick-start your journey, address specific home organisation goals or for clients that are ready and require light support.

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Home Game Changer

The full KonMari™️ Tidying Festival, a complete home makeover from top to bottom, no nook left untouched, guided by the principles of the original method. Includes 10 sessions that will address all 5 tidying categories.

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organised living

The thought of organising your home (or office, or closet, or pantry, or garage…) can be stressful, daunting even, depending on how long you have been avoiding the issue. There is also the misleading concept that you “should be able to tidy yourself”, which is not only untrue but detrimental to the process itself, as it only adds unnecessary pressure.

Organising is a skill. It requires critical analysis of the space, knowledge of storage solutions, understanding of daily personal behaviours and…a-lot-of-patience. But hey, I couldn’t solve trigonometry problems to save my life, so maybe allow yourself a little credit and hire a professional (that’s me) to help you reset your space and make it welcoming again…for you.

how it works

1. Book your Discovery Call

2. Choose your service

3. Declutter - Tidy - Organise - Joy.

4. Check-In & follow up


Beige and yellow clothing folded on round bench.


Antique books lying on a bed with flowers


Assorted documents and book pages


Kitchen  corner image with kitchen komono

Komono (Miscellaneous)

Image with diverse range of items that can be sentimental: baby clothes, mechanic watch, flowers

Sentimental Items